Module 6

Build a website with blogdown in R

In this module you will learn how to create dynamic R Markdown documents to build static websites allowing you to use R code to render the results of your analysis. The blogdown through the use of R Markdown allows technical writing allowing you to add graphs, tables, LaTeX equations, theorems, citations, and references. This makes blogdown an perfect tool for designing websites to communicate your R data story telling or just awesome general-purpose websites. After you create your awesome website using the blogdown and HUGO template you will push it onto your GitHub and deploy on Netlify all free of charge.

What you will learn:

  • Apply HUGO theme to create a website using the blogdown
  • Perosnalise the website
  • Deploy site from your computer to the Internet
  • Use GitHub for version control
  • Use Netlify for continuous deployment
  • Updating your website: serving site, push to GitHub, deploy

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