Indicative Syllabus
Module 1
RStudio IDE; R language; Data classification and summary statistics
What you will learn:
- Basic use of R/RStudio console
- Good habits for workflow
- Inputting and importing different data types
- R environment: record keeping
- Data classification
- Descriptive summary statistics
Module 2
Data Wrangling
What you will learn:
- dplyr’s key data manipulation verbs: select, mutate, filter, arrange and summarise/summarize
- to aggregate data by groups
- to chain data manipulation operations using the pipe operator
Module 3
Visualising Data
What you will learn:
- Basic principles of effective data visualisation
- to specify ggplot2 building blocks and combine them to create graphical display
- about the philosophy that guides ggplot2: grammatical elements (layers) and aesthetic mapping
- visualising data with maps
Module 4
Automated Reporting
In this module you will learn how to turn your research description and analysis into high quality documents and presentations with R Markdown. You will be designing reproducible reports by automating the reporting process, learning how to take a modern approach to telling your data story. With the knowledge from this lesson you will be able to create reports straight from your R code allowing you to document your analysis and its results as an HTML, pdf, slideshow or Microsoft Word document.
What you will learn:
- Authoring R Markdown Reports
- Embedding R Code
- knitr to compile dynamic R code
- LaTex to incorporate mathematical expressions
Module 5
Introduction to Shiny
In this workshop you will learn how to create interactive web applications (apps) straight from R. You will be introduced to the basic structure of a Shiny app and you will learn how to build a user interface for your app. You will be introduced to the range of input widgets and reactive outputs that would give your Shiny app a “live” quality! Shiny allows you to present your data story in a new and innovative way that will help you carry out data analysis, visualisation and communication with a wider audience.
What you will learn:
- build a user interface for Shiny app
- create dynamic graphics using Shiny‘s reactive features
- deploy Shiny app
Module 6
Build a website with blogdown in R
In this module you will learn how to create dynamic R Markdown documents to build static websites allowing you to use R code to render the results of your analysis. The blogdown through the use of R Markdown allows technical writing allowing you to add graphs, tables, LaTeX equations, theorems, citations, and references. This makes blogdown an perfect tool for designing websites to communicate your R data story telling or just awesome general-purpose websites. After you create your awesome website using the blogdown and HUGO template you will push it onto your GitHub and deploy on Netlify all free of charge.
What you will learn:
- Apply HUGO theme to create a website using the blogdown
- Perosnalise the website
- Deploy site from your computer to the Internet
- Use GitHub for version control
- Use Netlify for continuous deployment
- Updating your website: serving site, push to GitHub, deploy
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